Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Randall Darwall

I think it's important to understand that process is a means to a way to discover what's most important in the end product and how can you adapt the process to really reflect your own point of view and your own unique personality. So I am always looking at each step of the process as a way to answer the question, "Why would I bother going through these extra steps?" Whether it's tying on, whether it's winding the warp on, whether it's choosing the weft, whether it's throwing the shuttle. [T]hey are answers that only human beings can discover in the act of doing it. [W]eavers tend to be looked upon as dinosaurs who are doing something that doesn't really need to be done. Why would you bother? I think that we have something to offer the world that is best expressed through interlacing threads. This is not busywork. This is not "happy hands and happy faces." This is very essential stuff. 

Craft in America, season 4, episode 1.