Sunday, December 11, 2022
Sherelyn Siy
Friday, December 2, 2022
Marie Benedict
"Whether Hedy Lamarr's work in spread-spectrum technology was purposefully disregarded or unconsciously forgotten, it appears that embedded in that oversight were misconceptions about her abilities -- about all women, really. Faulty assumptions about women's capabilities, stemming in part from the conscripted roles into which they'd been slotted, has caused many to think more narrowly about the manner in which the past has been shaped. But unless we begin to view historical women through a broader, more inclusive lens -- and rewrite them back into the narrative-- we will continue to view the past more restrictively than it likely was, and we risk carrying those perspectives over into the present."
-from Author's Note, "The Only Woman in the Room"
Alix Strauss / Mark Braly
At 86, Mark Braly may be the world’s oldest water polo player. And according to Mr. Braly, a Texas native who now lives in Davis, Calif., he’s “certainly the worst.”
“I sometimes make goals, but there is always the suspicion they were the
gift of a kind goalie,” Mr. Braly said. “Every player in the region
knows my name because they have to shout constant directions.”
What have you learned about yourself through the sport? That I can accept praise and support and not feel diminished by it. That I can do almost anything if I don’t mind not being good at it. Being forced to be good at something has excluded me from doing things all my life. I learned I’m more capable and have a greater stamina than I thought.
"It's Never Too Late to Take Up Water Polo" August 2022