Monday, August 12, 2019

Penny Reid

Stay away from the normals, the small-minded people who fill their brains with small-minded pursuits, who blend in and keep up with the Joneses. Those people will tear you down and make you boring. Instead, surround yourself with the weirds. With the misfits, oddballs, and outcasts. Because the normals, bless their hearts, have no idea how to have fun.

--Beard Science (2016)

Monday, August 5, 2019

Dalai Lama

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Abra Berens

A bean plant's only goal is to create seed to ensure the next generation. Green beans are the immature seed pod of the plant, which wants to swell the seeds inside and allow them to dry, protecting the seed through the winter only to be activated by warm, wet soil in the spring and start again. I always anthropomorphize the plants after I pluck their seed pod--be it a green bean or ready tomato--imagining them to say, "Fine. I'll ripen another one."

--in Ruffage (2019). Chronicle Books. p. 222.